Find the Best Liver Cancer Treatment in Alamogordo, New Mexico

What exactly is liver cancer treatment Alamogordo, New Mexico? Liver cancer treatment involves the use of medications, radiation and chemotherapy to fight off cancerous tumors in the liver. Find an oncologist who specialises in liver cancer treatment in Alamogordo, NM today!

Blood Tests

cancer Treatment for the liver Alamogordo is a complicated process that begins with being tested for liver cancer and assessed by an oncologist to determine which therapies are most successful. The Complete Blood Count (CBC) and the ALT (alanine aminotransferase). Some of the tests that may be ordered include ALP (alkaline phosphatase) and AST (aspartate aminotransferase).


If you are concerned about liver cancer or a fatty liver disorder such as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, a biopsy may be indicated. A biopsy can be performed at a doctor’s office or clinic, and just local anesthesia is required to numb your skin and belly before the procedure. During a biopsy, a long needle is used to extract small samples of tissue from your liver. It is typically just one small incision that will leave you with a tiny scar.

CT Scans

The CT scanner is like a sophisticated photocopier. It makes lots of copies of one slice at a time by directing an x-ray beam through your body onto a piece of film behind it or onto an electronic sensor known as a detector. Then it advances down to take another slice from another angle and so on until your whole body has been scan from head to toe. An image called a CT scan is made for each thin layer.


An endoscopy is a procedure that allows a doctor to look inside the stomach. This diagnostic procedure can be used to detect cancer or other conditions that may require treatment. The procedure can be conduct on an outpatient basis and doesn’t require an overnight stay at the hospital. The test typically takes about 30 minutes and isn’t uncomfortable for most patients. Patients who are claustrophobic or anxious about being enclose by a tube may want to ask their physician if sedation is an option. Once the device is insert into your throat, images of your entire gastrointestinal tract will appear on a TV monitor. Your gastroenterologist will discuss any abnormal findings with you after your examination is complete, including abnormal growths (polyps) that need to be remove during this type of exam.

PET Scans

Positron emission tomography (PET) is a way of creating a special type of three-dimensional image called a PET scan. This scan can show cancerous tissue that might not be seen on an x-ray or other scans. When and where does PET imaging take place? In radiology departments, radiation oncology departments and nuclear medicine departments. The technique is similar to CT scanning with one major difference: it uses radioactive material instead of conventional x-rays.

Surgical Intervention – The Complete Tumor Removal (R0 resection)

If you are diagnose with liver cancer and meet certain criteria (your tumor is smaller than five centimetres and there is no evidence of metastasis), your treatment may be surgery. The surgeon can’t just remove the tumor because it will grow back if it’s not entirely remove. The complete tumor removal requires that the surgeon cut out a lot of healthy tissue to make sure that they get all of the tumor out. When this surgery removes all of the cancerous cells, it is called a R0 resection.

Radiation Therapy

The doctor will take a number of factors into account to determine which treatments are appropriate for your situation. In addition to determining the type and stage of cancer that you have, he or she will also evaluate other factors like your age and overall health. Treatments for liver cancer may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery.

Chemotherapy – Cytotoxic Agents

Chemotherapy is one of many treatment options available for cancer patients. It can be used to treat a variety of different cancers. The type of chemotherapy used depends on the patient’s age and where they are diagnose. Chemotherapy is also often given before surgery or radiation therapy to kill any remaining cancer cells. Treatments will involve some type of strong medication that takes effect over an extended period of time and causes side effects such as nausea and hair loss. You can get chemotherapy treatments in three main ways: intravenously (IV), orally (pill), or topically (cream).

Liver Resection Surgery (Partial Hepatectomy/Liver Resection Surgery; Partial Hepatic Resection; Partial Liver Resection; Radical Hepatectomy; Radical Hepatic Resection; Surgical Resection of The Liver; Targeted Resection of The Liver and Local Lymph Node Dissection; Trimodally Therapy)

A liver resection surgery is a treatment for patients who are diagnose with advanced-stage liver cancer. They might also be used on patients with well-define early-stage disease (called indiscriminate resection) and those who have another serious medical condition such as cirrhosis of the liver or portal hypertension. This procedure involves removing a portion of the patient’s liver that is cancerous or pre-cancerous. Doctors usually do this by surgically removing part of the abdomen, the diseased organ itself, or both. It can be done with laparoscopic surgery so you’ll have smaller incisions than if you had an open surgical procedure. Another term for this type of surgery is a hepatectomy.

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